Yixuan Wang
Yixuan Wang — Architecture design
Yixuan Wang — Landscape design
Yixuan Wang — Digital design
Yixuan Wang — Information design
Yixuan Wang — Creative coding
Manufactured - Rotational grazing in flood area*

In this workshop, Flooding in key agricultural production areas can lead to widespread damage to crops and fencing and loss of livestock. Crop losses through rain damage, waterlogged soils, and delays in harvesting are further intensified by transport problems due to flooded roads and damaged infrastructure. The flow-on effects of reduced agricultural production can often impact well outside the production area as food prices increase due to shortages in supply.

On the other hand, flood events can result in long-term.Which benefits to agricultural production by recharging water resource storage, especially in drier, inland areas, and by rejuvenating soil fertility by silt deposition.We want to combine the manufactured land and crop land on the banks of river to try to minimize the damage from the flood, and even use the water from the flood.Flooding in key agricultural production areas can lead to widespread damage to crops and fencing and loss of livestock. Crop losses through rain damage, waterlogged soils.

Natural network in North Norfolk Coast

Flooding in key agricultural production areas can lead to widespread damage to crops and fencing and loss of livestock. Crop losses through rain damage, waterlogged soils, and delays in harvesting are further intensified by transport problems due to flooded roads and damaged infrastructure. The flow-on effects of reduced agricultural production can often impact well outside the production area as food prices increase due to shortages in supply. On the other hand, flood events can result in long-term benefits to agricultural production by recharging water resource storage, especially in drier, inland areas, and by rejuvenating soil fertility by silt deposition. We want to combine the manufactured land and crop land on the banks of river to try to minimize the damage from the flood, and even use the water from the flood. The flow-on effects of reduced agricultural production can often impact well outside the production area as food prices increase due to shortages in supply. On the other hand, flood events can result in long-term benefits to agricultural production.

Natural network in North Norfolk Coast

We know the main industry is stock farming, which bring soil erosion and pollution to the river, to keep balance between ecosystem and stock farming industry, and In order to combine and use the flood to restore pasture, We want to use the idea of rotational grazing.The flow-on effects of reduced agricultural production can often impact well outside the production area as food prices increase due to shortages in supply.

Natural network in North Norfolk Coast

The flow-on effects of reduced agricultural production can often impact well outside the production area as food prices increase due to shortages in supply. On the other hand, flood events can result in long-term benefits to agricultural production by recharging water resource storage, especially in drier, inland areas, and by rejuvenating soil fertility by silt deposition.

Natural network in North Norfolk Coast

In order to combine and use the flood to restore pasture, We want to use the idea of rotational grazing. We use rotation grazing in the site. As we can see from the picture, the flooding period is 3-4, 8-9, which can be used as a restore period, after the period, is seeding period, which means we can sowing grass and herbage on these flooded area.And from the research, it just take 30 days to allow for regeneration of vegetation in poor soil, so after a month (from may to June; ), these flooded pasture can be harvested.

Natural network in North Norfolk CoastNatural network in North Norfolk Coast

At the moment, people can move stocks to these “flooded pasture” and restore the dry-land pasture in June to July and November to October, so there are two rotations in a year, meeting both grazing demands and ecological demands. For months which the flood is not very serious, we can use storage water to feed the livestock later on.

Create dam at the lower half is to prevent the flood erosion to the pasture, And open upper half can be used to collect livestock waste and use it as fertilizer.

Natural network in North Norfolk Coast
Rhino, Caesar, PS, AI
2019, London
Yixuan Wang, Yunting Wang
AA School of Architecture