Yixuan Wang
Yixuan Wang — Architecture design
Yixuan Wang — Landscape design
Yixuan Wang — Digital design
Yixuan Wang — Information design
Yixuan Wang — Creative coding
Green New Deal- Food station*

" Climate change is the biggest (social/economic/environmental/political) challenge that humanity faces. Climate Change is also partly produced by the way LAND has been configured across the planet. AA Landscape Urbanism will collaboratively design Green New Deal LANDscapes. Green New Deal is a common project to build a post carbon civilization. AA Landscape Urbanism will be working towards  the decarbonisation of the economy (postcarbon civilisation) through a shift and rebalance of existing LAND patterns in UK. "

Natural network in North Norfolk Coast

It is obvious that the 21st century has deeply changed the urban food system and brought out several problems. By understanding the relationship between food, city and residents, we are able to tap into local efforts would impact on the food supply. And how can residents be benefit from this resilient circle. The first Chapter will explore that how can food influence the urban environment and residents' daily life. Figure out the precedents about urban food and research deeper about the application and specific effect. The second part zoom to Hackney, to find out the land type and constraints, making interactive tools for residents to apply for available land and integrate techniques. Then goes to the introduction about food station system,

Natural network in North Norfolk CoastNatural network in North Norfolk Coast

These different functional areas work corporately to create a resilient circle in which people from different background can grow, sell, buy food and enjoy the related activities. Food production and distribution has always played an important role in the development of towns and cities in the UK, and food production shapes where and how we live. But the food system has long existed outside the city planning system, the relationship between food and city is continuously invisible. Recent years have witnessed a tremendous upsurge of interest in food growing, in response to concerns about the continuously rising food prices, food demands. and several problems food system has caused on different aspect of city.

After the Second World War, British food policy has gone through eight important stages. After the WW2, the UK government introduced "food defence plans" to deal with the food shortages at that time, this policy is gradually improved with the emergence of "food rationing". For instance, some food penalties began to appear, and the government began to take control of food. And this stage lasted for nearly 20 years until it ended in 1954.

With the development of media and technology, the UK government has issued "Trade Description Act" in 1968, which is mainly aimed at misleading advertising and product claims. It is worth mentioning that UK joined the European Union in this stage in 1973. Since then, UK food policy has focused more on food safety, food quality and trading standards and also the "customs union" which is most concerned by people after Brexit. T

he main feature of the "Customs Union" is that the member countries have not only eliminated trade barriers and implemented free trade, but also established a common external tariff. In other words, in addition to agreeing to eliminate each other ’s trade barriers, members of the Customs Union also adopt common external tariff and trade policies.

Natural network in North Norfolk CoastNatural network in North Norfolk Coast

Driven by globalization and industrialization, the city and food supply system has grown to be so complex that its function and process bear little relation to the residents.Pineapples in Hawaii that were grown in Costa Rica, apples in Span, the sushi on your plate in Las Vegas flown in from Japan. These days most of our food travels the world before it reaches a plate.

Due to this too-long food supply chain which can be divided to six parts: production,processing,distribution,retail,catering and waste,we don't know where does the food come from,and we are eating the stored vegetables and fruits which are not fresh enough.Furthermore,food will be lost in every stage and produce waste and pollution, these problems can be solved in a more efficient food supply chain.

Natural network in North Norfolk Coast

In the producer part, we try to find the relationship between the available land in the UK and the changes over time, and the size of arable land and the relationship between labor and farmers.

Natural network in North Norfolk CoastNatural network in North Norfolk Coast

From chart and the map, with the development of technology and the expansion of cities, the total agricultural area has become smaller, but the average area of ​​each land has become larger, and the average number of farmers per land has also become smaller. At the same time, the outcropped area is also becoming smaller, which means that nowadays the producer needs more land and labour to meet the demand of the growing  population.

Natural network in North Norfolk CoastNatural network in North Norfolk Coast

In the retailer part, this map shows the top 10 supermarket of retailers in the whole uk, and there are four main size in general, we pick Tesco as the examples to see the relationship between city and different scales of the  retailer.

Natural network in North Norfolk Coast

In 1900, The smallest express showed up, and basically located on the ground floor of the residential building in residential area, and they are neighbourhood convenience shops located .

In 1990, The average one mainly located beside railway stations, and they are in city centres to give the convenience to the busy consumers. And the superstore emerged in 1970, its large and evenly located in different boroughs.

Then, in 2000, people began to have more food needs, the extra retailers showed up, they are located mainly out of town and some inner-city locations. And these research will help us to build our own food station model based on the study of these space of food supply chain.

Natural network in North Norfolk Coast

Firstly we do the research of potential land in London, and we divided it into 8 parts. And we can see the quantity and proportion of these land. and we will not take residential yard and green belt into consideration. cause for the first one, its hard to control, and people may not want to be disturbed in their private garden. for the second one, the green belt is far away from the city of London, moreover we want to built a shorter supply chain.

Natural network in North Norfolk Coast

We select all abut the green area, then we shrink it with the calculation of growing rate, which is 1% of parks&public garden,25% of institution land, 10% of council house yard, 55% of transport infrastructure, 20% of green urban space, 80% of brownfield, to finally get all the available land.This map shows the proportion and composition of available land in London.

Natural network in North Norfolk Coast

Based on the study of land constraints, we generate pick land filters which can be used in our interactive map to offer users more choice. There are 8 filters: area, accessibility, features, environment, owner type, evaluation, rent and period.

Natural network in North Norfolk CoastNatural network in North Norfolk Coast

To be specific, residents who grow food on small scale land around their house  send food to the closest food spot then they can grab a coffee and chat with each other here. Every food spot has food storage and food exchange function, and some of them have an educational showcase with small raised bed. Delivery man from food center would collect the surplus food in every food spot. we made the food station operation model to fully explain the connection between those three elements: urban residents, available land and food station.  

Natural network in North Norfolk Coast

 Also we analyse the function and management of food station. In terms of distribution structure of food station, it can be divided into three parts, distribution 1 is from producer to food station, distribution 2 is between different food centers and food spots in order to balance the stock, the last route is between food station and consumer

Natural network in North Norfolk Coast

In the food station system, there are three types of distribution route. In the morning, around 7:00 am, residents grow food around their home can deliver their food to the nearest food spot, and the staff in food spot will check the food and take the picture of the food.

Natural network in North Norfolk Coast

And it’s similarly for individuals groups or organizations who grow food on larger site. At 4:pm, the staff of food spot will check the remaining food, then repack them,and then the rest food will be delivered to the food centre for centralized storage. From the simulation we can see from 7 am to 4 pm, how the food station works in a whole day.

Natural network in North Norfolk Coast

In our interactive map, we try to help users to find the suitable lands, users can search the place  to see the available land around. To be detailed, based on different users requirement and expectation, we will help them to pick the suitable land through our filters. They can go to our website: www.urban-food.space and check the suitable lands, also details for each land, and the surroundings of the lands in general,  if they are interested in one land, he can click to see more details of this land.

Natural network in North Norfolk Coast

For our user 2, who living in the council flat and want to grow food to eat or sell to others, they can apply for the land through the APP in our website. How our food station system grow? At first, we will only put three food spots near the council flat areas, some of them are street corner type and some are square type, but they are all of the five types that we mentioned before. Then, people can deliver their fresh food from the land to the food spots for food exchange or other social activities to other local residents.

Natural network in North Norfolk Coast

For our user 1, who already have backyards and are planning to grow food in their yards or already produced fresh food but want to exchange or get more fresh food. They can go to our website to find the nearest food spot to exchange food. From our Website, they can see all the information of the food spot, how it looks like, what function and activities it has, and what`s the fresh food for today. Then they can find the food spot that satisfy their needs.

Natural network in North Norfolk Coast

For our user 3, who might be not live in Hoxton even live outside hackney, and who are the individual groups that already grown food in cities but want to find more land to grow food in city, like Capital Growth or the two existed cases we mentioned, they also can apply for available land via our website. As time going, more and more people will engaged in with us and support fresh food in city; more and more food spots will be put; and the system will become more efficient and convient.

Natural network in North Norfolk Coast

As time going, more and more people will engaged in with us and support fresh food in city; more and more food spots will be put; and the system will become more efficient and convenient. After years, as more and more people have the experience of food spot; they can vote for the food spots on our website. To cancel the food spots that maybe inconvenience or have bad location or poor experience, also they can vote for the best food station and read other residents` comments!

Natural network in North Norfolk Coast

From the picture above, we an clearly see the geological strata have undergone great changes and increased the possibility of natural disasters to some extent. In 2015, there has an earthquake which is severely destroyed some small pits, the severity of the damage has much to do with the instability of the geological strata.So if future uncontrolled mining continues, Chuquicamata will suffer even more.

Natural network in North Norfolk CoastNatural network in North Norfolk Coast

Based on the constraints of different types of land, we also make technique research and figure out which are the most suitable techniques to apply. It shows raised bed gardening and vertical farming are most useful for all the land.

Natural network in North Norfolk CoastNatural network in North Norfolk Coast

For people live in council flat, Council House:few of them own a private garden, just some lawn around the house and concrete land for parking, we can introduce raised beds and small greenhouses to this area, and make full use of the balcony area, so people in the nearby houses can grow food together.

Natural network in North Norfolk Coast

Then the third type unused land, this is for people of same growing ambition, they may not live together, but they can gather together to utilize the unused land, and according to the large scale of the land, they can place raised-beds, Eco-classroom, greenhouse and introduce other activities to allow others to participate.

Natural network in North Norfolk Coast

After growing food, people can send food to the nearest food spot, In this site, there are 2 kinds of food spot, street corner and parking lot, for this parking lot  it has the area of 408 square meters, and is big enough to place the weekly market which allow a large amount of people to get together. Since our system can happen in hackney, we also want to find the possibility to apply it in other borough in the future.

Rhino, Grasshopper, ArcGis, Html + CSS
2020, London
Yixuan Wang, Ying Huang, Mengdi Mao
AA School of Architecture