Yixuan Wang
Yixuan Wang — Architecture design
Yixuan Wang — Landscape design
Yixuan Wang — Digital design
Yixuan Wang — Information design
Yixuan Wang — Creative coding
Landscript - North Norfolk Coast Revolution Model*

In this workshop, we are going to discuss the process of sand erosion,transportation and deposition ,how long shore drift helps the formation of coastal territory ,how to test the simulation with CEM and finally figure out a strategy for future develop. Our presentation is divided into four main sections.Firstly is the project background.Our interest in this project begin with the dynamic coastal land forms,according to the composing matter of ground,it can be divided into t rock , sand, mud-deposition and biogenic coast,which is in constant flux in the process of long shore which is in constant flux in the process of long shore drift,resulting in the different land forms such as spit,bar,beach and tombola. And as there are many factors affecting the long shore drift process,we decide to focus on the strength of wave and frequency of tide.As we know,there are 13 sediment cells around UK,which sand migration reaches a balance within it.To have a better understanding of sand sediment migration,we decided to focus on North Norfolk Coast to develop our project.This coast is affected by two current,north sea and English channel.

Coastal drift is a form of sediment transport by rivers. When the waves enter the harbor, they are blocked by the topography and can no longer travel parallel to the coastline.Driven by the wind, the rushing current often lands diagonally. Continuous oblique forward waves and vertical back-flow drive loose or fine material along the shore and across the wind direction, resulting in coastal drift until the topography stops the flow and results in deposition.In this project, we will study sand transfer in the North Norfolk area and simulate sand growth after physical intervention.The coast is generally divided into four types according to different geographical features, and different types of coast have different effects on the long shore drift.

Natural network in North Norfolk Coast

The special geography is easy to be eroded and it will result in salt-marsh,it is very important to protect the beach.We want to create a formation similar to lagoons,which can protect the beach , develop the fishery production to attract the tourist as well as feed the bird.In our research,we discovered the tide and rainfall influence on the coast and how the low tide take away the sediment and how soil erosion lead to creek formation.We create sections to clearly display the process of tide.And as there are many factors affecting the long shore drift process,we decide to focus on the strength of wave and frequency of tide. The geology here is very diverse,except sand dunes,there are salt-marsh, mud land and bush-area,making it a very famous tourist attraction and important bird habitat.But with growing tourists and accelerating melting glaciers.

Natural network in North Norfolk Coast

In our research,we discovered the tide and rainfall influence on the coast and how the low tide take away the sediment and how soil erosion lead to creek formation.We create sections to clearly display the process of tide.And as there are many factors affecting the long-shore drift process,we decide to focus on the strength of wave and frequency of tide.

Natural network in North Norfolk Coast

The coast is generally divided into four types according to different geographical features, and different types of coast have different effects on the long-shore drift.

Natural network in North Norfolk Coast

We found the historical maps from 1840 to 2018 and overlapped them in order to get a deep understanding of coastline movement. The geology here is very diverse,except sand dunes,there are salt-marsh,mud land and bush-area,making it a very famous tourist attraction and important bird habitat.But with growing tourists and accelerating melting glaciers.

Natural network in North Norfolk Coast

In our research,we discovered the tide and rainfall influence on the coast and how the low tide take away the sediment and how soil erosion lead to creek formation.We create sections to clearly display the process of tide.And as there are many factors affecting the long-shore drift process,we decide to focus on the strength of wave and frequency of tide.

Natural network in North Norfolk Coast

We began our research to simulate longshore drift by changing two parameters In CEM, A is used to control the direction of ocean waves, U determines the height of the wave. We select four sets of parameters.

Natural network in North Norfolk Coast

Along with our initial research into the movement of sediments in North Norfolk coast and compare with the historical change and real situation in 2018, we finally found a similar result and take this group as a relatively correct number, we discovered the tide and rainfall influence on the coast sediment.

Then it comes to the intervention. In order to figure out the intervention rules in CEM, we add interventions in various ways and seek out the difference.It is clear that the sand we add helps accumulating the original sand,but it will shrink,even disappear through the process.

Natural network in North Norfolk CoastNatural network in North Norfolk Coast

Rock can attract sand and create a new sand trace,and it can be used as points, line and wall, which leads to different experimental results.it can be divided into rock, sand, mud-deposition and biogenic coast, which is in constant flux in the process of longshore drift, resulting in the different landforms such as spit,bar,beach and tombola. And as there are many factors affecting the longshore drift process,Driven by the wind, the rushing current often lands diagonally.

Natural network in North Norfolk CoastNatural network in North Norfolk Coast
Rhino, CEM, PS, AI
2019, London
Mengdi Mao, Ying Huang, Yixuan Wang
AA School of Architecture