Yixuan Wang
Yixuan Wang — Architecture design
Yixuan Wang — Landscape design
Yixuan Wang — Digital design
Yixuan Wang — Information design
Yixuan Wang — Creative coding
Changbai mountain tourist reception centre*

The moment of light is hinge on the time and space, the relationship between light and shadow has similarity to the one between ground and underground. Lights can activate the moment of people.

Under the ground people can feel dark and private from the paper-cut shadow of the earth on the ground. People can enjoy the light and the freedom. The surface is a three-dimensional sense of paper-cut for users to walk freely, people can lie on the ground sharing sunlight and enjoy the sight of plants and animals.

Natural network in North Norfolk Coast

The moment of light is hinge on the time and space, the relationship between light and shadow has similarity to the one between ground and underground. Lights can activate the moment of people.

+ The culture of Shamanism (萨满教)  

Changbai mountain is the main birthplace of Shaman in China and Shaman tribes have been maintained since the 7th century with their own totem and belief which nowadays,is still unchanged.

+ The Manchu Cliparts 

Changbai mountain has outstanding universal value of outstanding natural quality and rich cultural connection in many aspects, such as ecology, biology, geology and history. It's the birthplace of the Manchu culture where many ancient customs and folk art remains there.

Concept :  paper-cut art

The tourist reception center is located in the Changbai mountains. Earth-sheltered architecture design is in order to combine with nature and paper-cutting custom.

Natural network in North Norfolk Coast

The earth-sheltered architecture located in the Changbai mountains (736 meters) where the forest coverage rate is nearly 80% in the Korean pine broaded-leaved forest belt.

Natural network in North Norfolk CoastNatural network in North Norfolk Coast

Plan and general structure

The tourist reception center consists of three layers which distinguished the streamline between tourist and staff.. Design takes advantage of the site, such as rocks, forests, river, and join two basic elements- ramp and people.

Natural network in North Norfolk CoastNatural network in North Norfolk Coast

section and perspective

Design takes advantage of the site, such as rocks, forests, river, and join two basic elements- ramp and people, which heavily protected the local natural resources of animals and plants.

Natural network in North Norfolk CoastNatural network in North Norfolk CoastNatural network in North Norfolk Coast

+ Staff entrance has a beautiful scene with a huge patio and a roof garden.

Natural network in North Norfolk Coast

+ Through the window, we can see the interaction between forest, river and a variety of wild animals.

Natural network in North Norfolk Coast
Rhino, Sketch up, PS
2015, Shenyang
Yixuan Wang
Shenyang Jianzhu University